Vitamin IV Therapy in McKinney: Hydration & Nutrition Delivered Directly

vitamin iv therapy in mckinney tx

Revitalize your body from the inside out with Vitamin IV Therapy. This cutting-edge wellness treatment bypasses the digestive system, ensuring a higher absorption rate of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into your bloodstream.

Whether you’re combating fatigue, seeking immune support, or simply wanting to glow with radiant health, our tailor-made infusions cater to your unique needs. Dive into a refreshing pool of wellness and experience accelerated healing, enhanced energy, and optimal hydration. With Vitamin IV Therapy, nourishing your body has never been so efficient and effective. Experience the future of holistic health today.

Premimum Infusions

Master Blend

Iv fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Glutathione | Magnesium & Zinc B12 | B-Complex (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Formulated for flu/sickness relief and overall wellness. this blend contains a high success in helping overcome illness.

The Glow up

Iv fluids | Vitamin C | Glutathione | Magnesium & Zinc, NAD + Biotin | B-Complex (1,2,3,4,5,6)
This blend improves skin elaszicity and texture, reduces fine lines & increases collagen levels. NAD+ helps slow the rate of aging & reduce its effects.

Migraine Blend

IV Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Toradol | Magnesium | Zinc I Zofran I | B-Complex (B1,2,3,5,6)
This blend knocks out migraine symptoms fast with ant inflammatories. hydration. anti nausea medicine & magnesium restoration. .

Optimum Weight Management

IV Fluids I Electrolytes | L Carnitine | Toradol | Magnesium | ZinC | Amino Acid Blend | B12 | B-Complex (B1,2,3,5,6)
This blend works to covert fat to energy. make exercise more effective increase blood flow to tissues & increase metabolism to manage weight.

Cold & Flu

IV Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Toradol | Zinc | Zofran | B12 | B- Complex (B1,2,3,5,6)
Feeling under the weather, this IV treatmont helps boost your immune system, decreases tha duration of the illness and help alleviate pains and aches.

Jet Lagged

IV Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Toradol | Zinc | Zofran | B12 | B- Complex (B1,2,3,5,6)
Travelling should be a fun, deserved experience but a difference in time zones can be exhausting, Let's give you back your energy!

High Dose Vitamin C

15g, 30g, 50g, 75g
Travelling should be a fun, deserved experience but a difference in time zones can be exhausting, Let's give you back your energy!

NAD+ IV Fluid Only

250mg, 500mg, 1,000mg
NAD is an amazing coenzyme that occurs naturally in almost all the cell in your body. It has been shown to improve clarity, increase energy, endurance, improves mood, better sleep, reduces inflammation, signs of aging + more!

Signature IV Infusions

IV Fluid Only

For those looking to restore hydration.

Myers' Cocktail

Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex + More
A potent blend for wellness. Originally formulated to address chronic diseases such as migraines, fatigue & fibromyalgia, it's now used to enhance wellness & ease everything from low energy to headaches & aids in speeding up recovery.

Hangover Cure

Fluids | Electrolytes | Anti-nausea & Anti-inflammatory Meds
Nursing that hangover? This drip will rehydrate you by replenishing your fluids & electrolytes plus provide relief from your headache and nausea.

Immunity Blend

Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Zinc
Our Immunity Blend enhances your immune system. This drip is perfect to aid in your fight against viruses, bacteria, & seasonal allergies.

Energy & Performance

Fluids | Electrolytes | B-Complex | Energy Enhance | Amino Acids
Working hard in the gym or at your job? This drip helps you perform better, have more energy and recover faster. These ingredients will support athletic performance, muscle recovery and joint health and the nutrients will help accelerate your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories & replenish your cells